Dr Dolan Reports

Art  by Dr Franky Dolan

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Background Painting by Dr Franky Dolan

Copyright © All Material is Copyrighted and Owned by Dr Franky Dolan

Dr Dolan’s award-winning work is revered as masterpiece of mind and spirit.

Franky earned his Doctorate in Education, after a lifelong passion for enhancing the mind. Featured in magazines and international collections, his acclaimed creations are enjoyed by individuals, families and collectors around the planet.

Dr Dolan battles a devastating neuro-immune disease, ME/CFS, which has no cure and no viable treatment. It is an Invisible Disease. He receives deeply vivid spiritual visions, and channels messages of hope into grand masterpiece artwork. He taught himself to paint and sculpt, all while bedridden, and confined to his home. Even through extreme suffering, this visionary professor of life has learned to smile, outreach and help people to see that life is always worth living.

“Find purpose in your suffering, and your time will not be wasted.”

~ Dr Franky Dolan

Dr Franky Dolan has created an art form of enhancing the mind -- Literally.

Dr Franky Dolan is an

official Huffington Post Contributor
